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Lazy Hates Plastic/GoD
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Joined: 09 Feb 2002
Posts: 1235

Posted: 06-25-2002 01:27 AM    Post subject: Lazy Hates Plastic/GoD  

ITS LONG....as it is a solid 50min argument about how lazy thinks I ruined the channel... THis occured in teh public channel, this is not a pm.

[12:10am] *** Attempting to join...
[12:10am] <Seed_Of_Evil> wait
[12:10am] <Seed_Of_Evil> lets make a whois to god
[12:10am] <GoD> PLastic
[12:10am] <lazy> plastic just die for us
[12:10am] <Seed_Of_Evil> yes
[12:10am] <Seed_Of_Evil> u should
[12:10am] <lazy> we would be happy if you did that
[12:10am] <GoD> Die? What the fuck if everones problem
[12:10am] <GoD> I didn't do anything
[12:10am] *** Disconnected

[8 mins go by]

[12:18am] *** Attempting to rejoin...
[12:19am] <js77s8d8s> plastic
[12:19am] <js77s8d8s> die
[12:19am] <oro[zzZ0r]> yep
[12:20am] <GoD> lets see lemon tea and lazy want me to die
[12:20am] <GoD> wow... thats powerfull enough to almost make me care
[12:20am] <js77s8d8s> (god) you suck
[12:20am] <GoD> yes and your just beloved
[12:21am] <lazy> plastic you have been tolerable for the last 3 or so months
[12:22am] <lazy> but today ive had enough
[12:22am] <GoD> enough what?
[12:23am] <lazy> enough bs
[12:23am] <GoD> What BS?
[12:23am] <GoD> why dont you cite somthing?
[12:23am] <lazy> its not just you
[12:24am] <lazy> just the state the chan is in
[12:24am] <GoD> then why are you being a dick to me?
[12:24am] <lazy> you are a major benefactor
[12:24am] <GoD> i hate to break kit to you...
[12:24am] <GoD> but I have no controll over the direction of this channel
[12:24am] <GoD> so dont blame shit on me
[12:24am] <lazy> every individual here does
[12:24am] <GoD> and whats wrong with the channel anyway?
[12:24am] <js77s8d8s> look its fucking dead
[12:25am] <GoD> IM ON HERE LIKE 24/7
[12:25am] <lazy> i was here um over a year before you
[12:25am] <js77s8d8s> yep man
[12:26am] <js77s8d8s> i wanna go back to the first irc crew
[12:26am] <GoD> so leave
[12:26am] <GoD> make your own
[12:26am] <js77s8d8s> no i mean you leave
[12:26am] <lazy> plastic you have tried to make this channel yours
[12:26am] <GoD> HOws that?
[12:26am] <lazy> thats what i hate
[12:26am] <lazy> the forum
[12:26am] <lazy> the op begging
[12:26am] <GoD> The forum isnt even called legal chat
[12:26am] <GoD> never begged for ops
[12:27am] <lazy> ok
[12:27am] <GoD> I bought a domain
[12:27am] <GoD> thats really taking over huh
[12:27am] <GoD> YEa cuz your on some gay power trip
[12:27am] lazy sets mode: -o lazy
[12:27am] <lazy> there u go
[12:27am] <GoD> And this shit is out of nowhere
[12:27am] <GoD> /ignore
[12:27am] <lazy> im sick of the shit
[12:27am] <GoD> WHAT SHIT!
[12:27am] <GoD> Still ive yet to have an example
[12:27am] <lazy> you get banned everyday
[12:28am] <lazy> for being an asshat
[12:28am] <GoD> I got banned for some shit you didnt agree with today?
[12:28am] <GoD> havent been banned in a weeks before that
[12:28am] <js77s8d8s> EVERYDAY
[12:28am] <js77s8d8s> every single day
[12:28am] <GoD> and I was g-lined by an admin who we eventually split from
[12:28am] <GoD> other than that no one has so much as kicked me for like a month
[12:28am] <lazy> plas you are the main contributor for most of the agg that goes on here
[12:29am] <GoD> Whys that?
[12:29am] <lazy> ask yourself
[12:29am] <GoD> Im not the one with the complaint
[12:29am] <lazy> how many times do i get banned a week/month/yer?
[12:29am] <lazy> none
[12:29am] <GoD> OK and your point being?
[12:30am] <GoD> your boring?
[12:30am] <GoD> I still dont get it
[12:30am] <lazy> ok im boring
[12:30am] <lazy> thats it
[12:30am] <GoD> no im asking you
[12:30am] <GoD> waht your point is?
[12:30am] <lazy> im boring
[12:30am] <GoD> Oddduck is pissed ?
[12:30am] <GoD> so your pissed?
[12:30am] <GoD> only conclusion I can reach
[12:30am] <lazy> no
[12:30am] <GoD> then what?
[12:30am] <lazy> i have been pissed for a long time
[12:31am] <lazy> since the chan here got corrupt
[12:31am] <GoD> by me right?
[12:31am] <lazy> op swapping everyday
[12:31am] <GoD> I tryed to "MAke it mine"
[12:31am] <lazy> no rules
[12:31am] <lazy> no respect
[12:31am] <GoD> LOL who cares about op swaping
[12:31am] <GoD> its the internet
[12:31am] <GoD> you dont GET RESPECT over the internet
[12:31am] <GoD> its FAKE
[12:31am] <GoD> not real
[12:32am] <GoD> respect to who?
[12:32am] <lazy> ask shn/got/nuke
[12:32am] <lazy> [5:31am] <GoD> respect to who?
[12:32am] <lazy> good point
[12:32am] <lazy> no-one
[12:33am] <GoD> but what can I help you with
[12:33am] <lazy> you can't
[12:33am] <GoD> Then why are you telling me as if its my problem
[12:33am] <GoD> and I casued it
[12:33am] <GoD> and am the "MAIN" reason for it
[12:33am] <GoD> and BLAH BLAH
[12:33am] <GoD> at me
[12:33am] <lazy> you cause alot of probs here
[12:33am] <lazy> racist/sexist slurs
[12:33am] <GoD> Racism?
[12:33am] <GoD> No
[12:33am] <GoD> sexism?
[12:33am] <GoD> maybe
[12:33am] <lazy> yes
[12:34am] <GoD> what racist things have I said?
[12:34am] <lazy> you have done both alot in the past
[12:34am] <GoD> OK first of all
[12:34am] <GoD> Ive never said
[12:34am] <GoD> any racist words
[12:35am] <GoD> and define "sexism" in an irc channel
[12:35am] <GoD> heh
[12:35am] <GoD> how many females we got in here?
[12:35am] <GoD> 2
[12:35am] <GoD> ok
[12:35am] <GoD> sometimes I forget they are here
[12:35am] <lazy> you saying blatantly disrespectful shit to duck
[12:35am] <GoD> Like what?
[12:35am] <lazy> then when i say about it
[12:35am] <lazy> you say "its only a joke"
[12:35am] <GoD> Ok you never confronted me about somthing I said to her
[12:36am] <lazy> i did like you at first
[12:36am] <lazy> but now i really dislike
[12:36am] <GoD> fine, I dont give a shit
[12:36am] <GoD> /ignore
[12:36am] <GoD> be my guest
[12:36am] <GoD> add it to your auto commands
[12:36am] <lazy> its not just me tho
[12:37am] <lazy> just cos you have ur stupid forum
[12:37am] <GoD> NO one uses the thing
[12:37am] <lazy> i wonder why
[12:37am] <GoD> Ive never posted anything racist or sexist
[12:37am] <GoD> or even pronograpic
[12:37am] <GoD> Ive never abused anyone
[12:37am] <lazy> lol
[12:37am] <GoD> so whats the problem
[12:37am] <lazy> sure you didnt
[12:37am] <GoD> Go
[12:37am] <GoD> Find it then
[12:38am] <GoD> thats the nice thing aobu it...
[12:38am] <GoD> its all stil there
[12:38am] <GoD> so show me
[12:38am] <lazy> i dint say you did @ the forum
[12:38am] <GoD> yes
[12:38am] <GoD> but yet you have a problem with it
[12:38am] <GoD> in general
[12:38am] <GoD> so where do you want Legal-Chat.com redirected too?
[12:38am] <GoD> the forum has 4 domins pointing at it
[12:38am] <GoD> so make a page or somthing
[12:39am] <GoD> and you can have the domain
[12:39am] <lazy> i dont want it
[12:39am] <lazy> im disgusted with the current state of the chan
[12:39am] <lazy> here you have been one of the most disrespectful assheads going
[12:39am] <GoD> Then what do you want??
[12:39am] <GoD> me not to be an "ASSHEAD"?
[12:39am] <GoD> LOL
[12:39am] <lazy> no respect
[12:39am] <GoD> To who!
[12:39am] <lazy> to anyone
[12:40am] <GoD> respect is earned
[12:40am] <GoD> you dont just walk into a channel and assume... WELP I RESPECT everyone here
[12:40am] <lazy> ppl bitch over ops all the time
[12:40am] <GoD> I dont
[12:40am] <GoD> I have had ops 3 times in the past like 6 months
[12:40am] <GoD> never banned anyone
[12:41am] <lazy> plas you always cause trouble here
[12:41am] <lazy> thats the end
[12:41am] <GoD> The end to what?
[12:41am] <lazy> the end of the discussion
[12:41am] <GoD> Ok
[12:41am] <GoD> If you say so
[12:42am] <GoD> i didnt see much of a discussion
[12:42am] <GoD> mostly you saying I suck
[12:42am] <GoD> and ruined your channel
[12:42am] <lazy> what really makes me laugh is that no-one else will speak out
[12:42am] <GoD> Yes I really wish they would?
[12:42am] <lazy> did i say it was my chan?
[12:42am] <GoD> No but WHo are you speaking for
[12:43am] <lazy> for myself
[12:43am] <GoD> for the DOlts in here who randomly sling "you suck"'s at me
[12:43am] <lazy> when you sulk and leave yes
[12:43am] <lazy> someone says something to you and you sulk and leave
[12:44am] <GoD> define sulk?
[12:44am] <GoD> if I get pissed and Im about to put my foot in my mouth
[12:44am] <GoD> why not part the channel for a few mins?
[12:44am] <lazy> awww this chan sucks.....
[12:44am] <lazy> then leave
[12:45am] <lazy> its usually "you all fuckling suck"
[12:45am] <lazy> etc
[12:45am] <lazy> and you bring it on yourself everytime
[12:45am] <GoD> Maybe im a masachist
[12:46am] <GoD> but what bearing does me saying the chanel sucks have?
[12:46am] <lazy> maybe your just a selfish fuck who doesnt even care about the future of the chan
[12:46am] <GoD> LOL
[12:46am] <GoD> yea
[12:46am] <GoD> OK
[12:47am] <GoD> how much time have you spent
[12:47am] <GoD> putting gay little legal-chat tags on images
[12:47am] <GoD> fucking ass
[12:47am] <GoD> No i certainly dont care about the channel
[12:47am] <GoD> heh
[12:47am] <lazy> so plas explain why you get banned everyday?
[12:47am] <GoD> I DONT!
[12:47am] <GoD> havent been baned for a month untill today
[12:47am] <js77s8d8s> xxx JUST STFU OK? PLASTIC, ITS OVER! xxx
[12:47am] <js77s8d8s> xxx JUST STFU OK? PLASTIC, ITS OVER! xxxxx
[12:47am] <js77s8d8s> xxx JUST STFU OK? PLASTIC, ITS OVER! xxxxx
[12:47am] <GoD> Yes ^ and thats bright
[12:47am] <lazy> see
[12:48am] <lazy> an answer for everything
[12:48am] <GoD> IM trying to have a conversation and a big green square pops up
[12:48am] <GoD> OK let me admit this
[12:48am] <GoD> I was wrong in making a website
[12:48am] <GoD> using YOUR name
[12:48am] <GoD> cuz it wasnt my right to
[12:48am] <GoD> and so FINE
[12:48am] <GoD> i'll point it somplace else
[12:48am] <GoD> jesus
[12:48am] <lazy> did i say it was MY name?
[12:48am] <GoD> But don't expect me to stop coming here
[12:49am] <lazy> expect me too
[12:49am] <GoD> becasue I like a LOT of the people here
[12:49am] <GoD> including you
[12:49am] <GoD> even if they dont like me
[12:49am] <GoD> SO your leaving great
[12:49am] <GoD> go out like stump
[12:49am] <GoD> blame everyone
[12:49am] <GoD> and become the thing you hate
[12:49am] <js77s8d8s> DUDE PLASTIC
[12:49am] <js77s8d8s> STFU
[12:49am] <GoD> thats why this whole thing is pathetic if you just take off
[12:49am] <GoD> cuz your a hippacrite
[12:50am] <js77s8d8s> PLASTIC, listen to me, this place is full of nerds, if you know it or not we are all nerds
[12:50am] <lazy> i chatted to stump earlier and begged him to come back and restore the RESPECT that once was here
[12:50am] <GoD> YEa
[12:50am] <GoD> stumpy will REstore restpect!?!?!
[12:50am] <GoD> do you know how old stumpy is?
[12:50am] <lazy> stumpy enforced rules
[12:50am] <lazy> age means squat
[12:51am] <GoD> heh
[12:51am] <GoD> read stumpys goodbye message
[12:51am] <GoD>
[12:51am] <lazy> it means nothing
[12:51am] <GoD> Yea it means shn was an ass to stumpy
[12:51am] <GoD> he left right after we moved
[12:51am] <GoD> cuz no one asked him
[12:51am] <GoD> and he didnt fight or care
[12:52am] <GoD> what a whinny little child-ass thing to do
[12:51am] <lazy> the gradual migration of legal chat regs is due to disrespect
[12:52am] <lazy> js i have valid points
[12:52am] <js77s8d8s> your typing on keyboard to somebody a few thousand miles away
[12:52am] <GoD> so
[12:52am] <js77s8d8s> yes they are valid
[12:53am] <lazy> i really care about this chan cos all my irc buds are here
[12:53am] <lazy> but at the rate its going at it will self destruct soon
[12:53am] <GoD> If the channel is so bad
[12:53am] <GoD> why has it not died?
[12:53am] <GoD> where were you the nights there were 7 poeple in the room
[12:53am] <GoD> and like 3 active people
[12:53am] <GoD> its never gonna die
[12:53am] Nukem (Nukem@chatterz-46862.chvlva.adelphia.net) has joined. «21 people»
[12:53am] ChanServ sets mode: +h Nukem
[12:53am] <js77s8d8s> hes going by "GoD"
[12:53am] <lazy> plas i will say again i was here a year or so b4 i even knew u
[12:54am] <GoD> yea and I'll be here a year from now
[12:54am] <Nukem> plastic is new
[12:54am] <Nukem> hes a fucking newbie
[12:54am] <GoD> IM new to THIS ROOM
[12:54am] <js77s8d8s> yep
[12:54am] <Nukem> no one even heard of him
[12:54am] <GoD> Only been here 5 months
[12:54am] <Nukem> he just showed up one day
[12:54am] <Vlad1854> yep
[12:54am] <GoD> wait i think its 6 now
[12:54am] <Nukem> and stuck like a plague on my ass
[12:54am] <js77s8d8s> yeah man hes a n00b and everybody hates the kid
[12:54am] <GoD> Ok i can say for SHURE 5 people here hate me
[12:54am] <js77s8d8s> lol i hate ass plauges
[12:55am] <GoD> so I cause all problems
[12:55am] <GoD> cuz a few people dont like me?
[12:55am] <GoD> thats basically waht your saying
[12:55am] <Nukem> 8/10
[12:55am] <GoD> its more like 5-7/30
[12:56am] <Vlad1854> nukem where did plastic come from wich server
[12:56am] <Nukem> irc chat
[12:56am] <Vlad1854> ahh figures
[12:57am] <Nukem> i just want hiim to leave
[12:57am] <Nukem> here
[12:57am] <Nukem> how about this
[12:57am] <Nukem> ill go post a vote
[12:57am] <GoD> Please do
[12:57am] <Nukem> at AMDMB
[12:57am] <Nukem> not your board
[12:57am] <Nukem> youll cheat
[12:57am] <GoD> Ok
[12:57am] <GoD> Your banned from my board anyway
[12:58am] <GoD> but i know you dont care, and thats ok
[12:58am] <lazy> take that board and stick it in your big fat ass
[12:58am] <GoD> Heh ok
[12:58am] <GoD> you dont visit it
[12:58am] <GoD> why do you care?
[12:58am] <lazy> precisely
[12:59am] <lazy> i dont
[12:59am] Nukem sets mode: +b *!*@chatterz-41689.aburny.adelphia.net
[12:59am] <GoD> so theres no dispute
[12:59am] ERROR > 404: GoD You are banned (#legal-chat)
[12:59am] *** Nukem was kicked by {^_^} (Abusing desync)
[12:59am] {^_^} sets mode: -b *!*@chatterz-41689.aburny.adelphia.net

The conversation went on for quite some time after that... then speed joined and it turned into pointless mudslinging about me being homless ECT. Backed up by LemonTea and lazy.

It Ended At About 1:45am
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Posted: 06-25-2002 07:39 AM    Post subject:  

let's just shut the chan down and everybody goes their separate ways ?!

ffs, this is all getting annoying.

And i dunno what you did, plastic, but i sure hope you didn't post in the thread about the guy who died.

k, i guess i've got no interesting comments to make on this whole bullshit.
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Posted: 06-25-2002 07:44 AM    Post subject:  

Shn wrote:
let's just shut the chan down and everybody goes their separate ways ?!

ffs, this is all getting annoying.

And i dunno what you did, plastic, but i sure hope you didn't post in the thread about the guy who died.

k, i guess i've got no interesting comments to make on this whole bullshit.

i second this
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Posted: 06-25-2002 07:58 AM    Post subject:  

i dont understand all of those "shutting the channel" talking, if u dont like it u can leave, its not like u r paying for keeping it up or somthing....

now shoo, shoo.:finger:
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Posted: 06-25-2002 02:30 PM    Post subject:  

zenbaga wrote:
i dont understand all of those "shutting the channel" talking, if u dont like it u can leave, its not like u r paying for keeping it up or somthing....

now shoo, shoo.:finger:

who are you talking to ?
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Posted: 06-26-2002 03:30 AM    Post subject:  

u and corn in this matter

u said u dont like it here and its all getting annoying.

no1 makes u stay here.
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Posted: 06-26-2002 07:45 AM    Post subject:  

Oh yeah, i was being serious when i said that.
Very serious !

So, i'll shut the chan on july 1st at 1:39pm gmt+1.
That's my final decision !!!

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Posted: 06-26-2002 07:46 AM    Post subject:  

omg!, im banning you again!!
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Posted: 06-26-2002 08:20 AM    Post subject:  

zenbaga wrote:
u and corn in this matter

u said u dont like it here and its all getting annoying.

no1 makes u stay here.

i love it when men say my name
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Posted: 06-26-2002 10:50 AM    Post subject:  

cornflake wrote:
i love it when men say my name


If you don't have somthing productive to say... don't say it.
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