no description 11/07/2005
- VirusUK
- 11/07/2005
- as promised, more pictures of the gigantic she-beast.
- Tjanci
- 11/07/2005
- she really is a giant beast...
- VirusUK
- 11/07/2005
- the one on the left would get it.
- M0nKeY
- 11/14/2005
- I still say its photchopping... look at the hat of the girl on the right. Smells fishy, as fishy as the vagina of a really big bitch.
- ryondo
- 01/08/2006
- The giant was glad to find some fellow lesbian's.
- Ballsak
- 11/09/2006
- This is the "lady" that dumped virusuk,(he p'shopped her obviously), he must be a right ugly bastard to be dumped by a monster like this...
- BallSak
- 02/11/2007
- hehe, i agree. VirusUK is an ugly spastic
- Elise
- 11/29/2015
- Every year thousands of New Zealand and Australian ppeole undertake a pilgrimage to Gallipoli through the Anzac Day Tours to pay their respects to their ancestors who were there many years ago as well as learn more about the history of this important region. Anzac Tours Turkey is the best way possible to make this trip as they are designed to not only give ppeole a quality tour around the Gallipoli region but also introduce them to Turkey and its culture. Just like back in New Zealand and Australia on the 25th April in Anzac Cove every year those on an Anzac Day Tour can be part of this important day but experience first-hand the sacrifice that was made and the conditions that were faced. Before you join a tour for Anzac Day in Gallipoli we can highly recommend you to check what they offer and if they have experience guides who has knowledgeable about Gallipoli and Anzacs.