Lethal Weapon Adolf 02/24/2006

- Ballsak
- 11/28/2006
- ok, i just dont get this shit
- Shn
- 11/29/2006
- it's funny because he has a hitler mustache
- Ballsak
- 11/29/2006
- Its hitlers face superimposed onto mel gibson, but why did someone do this, there is no meaning behind it??
- Ballsak
- 11/30/2006
- I uploaded a pic, where did it go Shn, are you vetting them?
- Shn
- 12/01/2006
- nope. just make sure the pic (gif, jpg, png) isn't too big (less than 1mb is good) and it should be uploaded...
- Ballsak
- 12/01/2006
- Ahh, thankyou kind sir, merci