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Banstick Hyah! 06/03/2006

- BallSak
- 06/05/2006
- What fuckin nerd uploaded this shit?
- fallout
- 06/05/2006
- *cough* suis!
- Shn
- 06/06/2006
- i don't even need to check, fallout's probably right.
- M0nKeY
- 06/06/2006
- Nope, It was me.
- Shn
- 06/07/2006
- so it's true you're a fucking nerd ? :o
- M0nKeY
- 06/07/2006
- Of course, I didn't think there was any doubt.
- Tangie
- 12/01/2017
- Keep it coming, wrirets, this is good stuff.