PS: I should clirfay, I come from the serious school of WFB.To be clear, it was the Tea Party Express which mainly gave us terribly poor candidates, having embraced a rather delusional form of Anti-GOP mindset, which is dominant in an unstable offering like Riehl - they selected the worst Candidates simply because they thought they were anti-Establishment. It could not be more embarrassing, as they seemingly did not vet their offering.They actually aided the Democrats in a number of arenas, and now cannot be honest about it, almost nearly sharing the same form of denial we encounter in a number of Democratic Partisans.The many admirable Tea Party Protests are completely different from the various few who decided to co-opt it's identity into organizations like the "EXPRESS". The reality is, the GOP would have had just as many impressive gains without the Tea Party Express - the Democratic Party is that bad, and it is stunning to see so many Americans forgot about this painful reality. Also, the GOP's record is not as bad as the 'fashion' presents - as many Americans turned to the Republicans having remembered the positive offering from the Bush Administration (clearly indicated in a number of polls). There are many jaded, unstable, misguided, even some seeking their own aggrandizement who have exploited the TEA PARTY PROTESTS for their own gain and agenda. Some are simply not very savvy in terms of strategy, and Riehl's overt dementia is a fitting symbol for this folly. This is someone who made up a nutty conspiracy theory with Rove and Powerline over defending some obvious sophistry offered by the player named Huckabee.It isn't sound conservatism. It is an emotive blindness, which debases all. Like riding a fashionable temper tantrum over a cliff. The same foolish reactionary nonsense rose up over fears regarding Iraq, and ended up enabling Pelosi, Reid, Obama, Clinton for 2006 and 2008. One would hope, some sound calmer heads would prevail and we would return to sound Conservatism.
do you think the girl in the pic will send you one?...