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no description 03/31/2007

- BallSak
- 04/02/2007
- thats just racist, i don't condone this "humour"
- fallout
- 04/02/2007
- fuck u! god damn nigger lover! if it was still legal id string you up by ur neck over a street lamp
- damakrell
- 04/03/2007
- yo bitch! i'd have you have u hangin off fish hook by ur nuts whether it's legal or not. fuckin racist. go suck a feline dick!
- Shn
- 04/03/2007
- why a feline dick ??
- fallout
- 04/03/2007
- yes why a feline dick? oh btw im into s&m so id like it and i doubt some skinny ass little wimp of a nerd liek you talkin shit over the internet could or woudl do anything....fuckin nigger lover!
- damakrell
- 04/05/2007
- that's right i am a nigger lover. matter fact, i'm african. just thank whoever you worship that i dont have ur trailer park address.
- Anonymous
- 04/14/2007
- ya black people suck
- fallout
- 04/14/2007
- damakrell
- 04/17/2007
- nooooo... gay people suck.
- BallSak
- 12/24/2009
- black people are black