no description available 11/26/2003

- Seed
- 01/30/2004
- I would kill her so bad! what a sexy bitch!
- stoner d
- 02/16/2004
- kill her why? fuck her yes kill her no
- julio
- 03/08/2004
- fuck then kill her
- firefighter34062003
- 03/27/2004
- thats my dreamgirl
- horny kid
- 04/16/2004
- mine too
- Murc
- 06/17/2004
- ...what the fuck is a motorcycle doing in a house? Oh yeah, hot bitch too, though i doubt she'd fuck random people who post about her photo saying how fuckable and killable she is.
- DaVinci13
- 09/15/2004
- I'd lick er lika popsicle.