Nutsac On face 01/30/2004

- fallout
- 01/30/2004
- hahaha ive done that to someone befor but it was in the weight room and the person was on the bench while i spoted them
- Suislide
- 01/30/2004
- yeah and it was a guy
- fallout
- 01/30/2004
- whats ur point
- lemontea
- 01/31/2004
- ... k then.
- Shn
- 02/01/2004
- fallout, he's saying you're gay (with him too)
- fallout
- 02/01/2004
- oooooooooooooooo k well i can asure u 100% that im not gay ...... im just a lil bi. haha jk
- general hart failure
- 02/03/2004
- no, your gay
- Anonymous
- 02/04/2004
- yea u got me
- Suislide
- 02/07/2004
- woah a anonymous gay came out and admitted hes gay
- fallout
- 02/07/2004
- hahhaa
- Thauglor
- 02/08/2004
- Bringing the term "Teabagging" to a whole new level.... and is that a pipe in the other girl's hand next to the lighter?
- Almighty
- 02/10/2004
- Ripped from Collegefuckfest
- M0nKeY
- 02/12/2004
- Actually... posted on a forum by the guy who runs CFF
- stoner d
- 02/16/2004
- your all a bunch of ass fucks so shut the fuck up bitch
- Suislide
- 02/21/2004
- you are ghey
- john
- 03/16/2004
- could you all just shut th fuck up
- Stuy
- 03/30/2004
- dude his balls are hairless, is he like 12? also i'm sure that's tabbaco in that pipe.
- MasterBlasta
- 07/09/2004
- damn i need to find some girls i could smoke weed with and teabag em good. then off to the sex sessions.
- ryondo
- 01/08/2006
- After banging her head the lumps came up pretty fast.
- Roby
- 12/02/2017
- Now I feel stidpu. That's cleared it up for me