Cigarette Blowjob 03/08/2004

- fallout
- 03/08/2004
- heh heh alright
- Shadow
- 03/08/2004
- i love a woman that can multi-task
- Shadow
- 03/08/2004
- and if she blows hard enough will smoke come out your ass?
- M0nKeY
- 03/08/2004
- smoke comes out of my ass anyway.
- Thauglor
- 03/08/2004
- Wow talk about some serious talent..... just watch out for falling embers....
- imsick
- 03/10/2004
- i wonder how that feels?
- john
- 03/16/2004
- is this shit even fucking possible??
- .:LeECH:.
- 03/23/2004
- shit dude wut if she like dropped some ash on ur dick...? thats harsh...but kinky at the same time.... /me aquires hard on
- Kyle, Indianapolis
- 02/21/2005
- Dwaggy
- 02/21/2005
- Get off the internet please
- erica
- 03/16/2006
- uhhh
- shesmokes4me
- 04/30/2006
- i dont smoke, but my girlfriend does. she has done this to me and for me many times. dont know what it is but it is quite erotic. she also likes to have intercourse while smoking and have me perform oral sex on her while smoking and she likes to take pictures.
- Shn
- 04/30/2006
- yeah ok but she's not the one on the pic!
- Suislide
- 05/08/2006
- and also no one cares!