Bob Saget Is 2 Cool 4 SCHOOL! 03/17/2004

- fallout
- 03/17/2004
- i got a alot of shit signed by him and the cast of full house bacuse one of the cast members god parents lived by my cottage but then i found out they werent worth shit the moral of the story is bob saget is a faget
- Thauglor
- 03/22/2004
- God moral to live by....
- fallout
- 03/24/2004
- so far so good ive stayed clean of bob for over 3 years now still get the shakes but i over power them
- erica
- 03/16/2006
- rite on fallout
- Guillermina
- 04/24/2013
- Uh, I feel a little gutily admitting this as a 90 s kid, but I definitely prefer Tosh.0. I thank America's Funniest Home videos for the memories, but Tosh.0 is one of the rare cases where the newer one is better.