Oh no, its a nerd fight! 06/06/2004

- Suislide
- 06/06/2004
- hahahaha
- Shn
- 06/06/2004
- that's plasticlsd in the background
- fallout
- 06/06/2004
- bwahahaha
- fallout
- 06/06/2004
- bwahahaha
- M0nKeY
- 06/06/2004
- Im no longer a nerd trainer. I left the circuit.
- Shn
- 06/07/2004
- must be an old pic then!
- dazzled
- 06/07/2004
- The guy in the back is dead sexeh ;)
- lemontea
- 06/07/2004
- The girl must be a super model.
- Suislide
- 06/08/2004
- nerds...
- Dwaggy
- 06/08/2004
- Thats a girl!!!!???? :|
- Anonymous
- 12/19/2004
- on the moon nerds get their pants pulled down and they are spanked with moon rocks
- Earthworm Jim
- 11/16/2010
- Nerd girls need lovin too, come 'ere urkle girl!
- pikmin
- 08/31/2013
- hahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahaaahahaah
- Cammie
- 12/01/2017
- Pin my tail and call me a donyke, that really helped.