no description 06/14/2004

- Murc
- 06/17/2004
- this should be up there in schools right next to the "don't drink and drive posters"... just to see how many people even notice what this one actually says.
- Amun
- 09/28/2004
- lol
- Jenna
- 11/28/2015
- / I liked Jonathan Crombie take on the man in the chair. Bob Martin in the New York production was more tart and you got the feielng he loved being a loner. Jonathan was a real sweet man who needed companionship. Interesting thing about the cast album. The Chinese number seems to be an add on to the CD and it runs a little longer. Also a number between Georgia Engel and the butler I Remember When was taken out of the New York production but shows up on the CD.I think this is one of the best touring productions that has hit our fair city and it certainly does justice to the original Broadway show.