mr tac drunk 08/21/2004

- Inquisitor
- 08/22/2004
- oh my....
- Dazzled
- 08/23/2004
- Why is the head of that penis that odd color? :P
- fallout
- 08/23/2004
- umm this was posted earlier i think
- Shn
- 08/23/2004
- ok then prove it was and i'll happily delete it
- fallout
- 08/24/2004
- fuck that u expect me to look threw all of those images!!
- M0nKeY
- 08/25/2004
- no it wasnt. I win.
- fallout
- 08/25/2004
- i swear ive seen it here befor so u dont win
- 1337
- 08/25/2004
- no you prolly saw it on collegehumor cuz thats where i saw it
- Inquisitor
- 08/31/2004
- Is that bottle of brandy hanging off the edge of the step?
- cockass
- 10/11/2004
- thats a patetic little dick
- BallSak
- 11/05/2007
- Mr Tac is irish!
- Amanda
- 11/28/2015
- What's a Darlene? I think it's a great game. Do they have to be dead or can they be alive too? We see a crap-load of deer/elk/moose in our area, plus the odd coyote, rabibt, prairie chicken, turkey. I could use those right? Cause there aren't any armadillos, possums or turtles in our neck of the woods.