Bush gives the finger 10/29/2004

- 1337
- 10/29/2004
- vote for me niggers!
- Shn
- 10/30/2004
- when'd he do that ?
- Dwaggy
- 10/30/2004
- http://static.vidvote.com/movies/bushuncensored.mov
- Suislide
- 10/30/2004
- looks like its old
- Anonymous
- 11/23/2004
- "...... and thats what i think about Iraq."
- Snake-Shit
- 02/26/2007
- Bush year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!You are a bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- fallout
- 02/27/2007
- i love that man
- Shn
- 02/27/2007
- and you love having his finger up your bum
- fallout
- 02/27/2007
- yes sir! while singing the national anthem
- Anonymous
- 10/21/2010
- Damn lost us 100000000 Damn dollars