jesus is the co-pilot 01/17/2005

- Genocide
- 01/19/2005
- I can't tell whether that is a Christmas light covered turd, or a space-submarine. Doesn't the guy in back look like he is looking down at his crotch?
- chuckles
- 05/30/2007
- He is praying man... woman driver...
- Sajev
- 04/27/2013
- I don't know who post the comment about FREE Rotorcraft pilot itonructisn as unprofessional and harmful to the industry. I acquired my CFI in rotorcraft last December of 2011. Immediately after this I found it near impossible to get a job in the industry as a low time pilot. I had the idea of providing free itonructisn to student pilots as a means of building time. While at the same time possibly generating revenue for any FBO the student chooses to rent the helicopter from. When I contacted AOPA and other organizations they applauded me for my efforts. As we all know the cost of acquiring a rotorcraft license is increasing at alarming rates. I have no idea how my actions can be misconstrued as harmful to the industry.
- Jady
- 12/01/2017
- With the bases loaded you struck us out with that anrswe!